
Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today’s Youth is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book offers a measured Christian response to the diverse gender identities that are being embraced by an increasing number of adolescents. Mark Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky offer an honest, scientifically informed, compassionate, and nuanced treatment for all readers who care about or work with gender-diverse youth: pastors, church leaders, parents, family members, youth workers, and...

You might have a transgender neighbor or coworker, a gender nonbinary classmate or suitemate, or a genderfluid loved one—an uncle, aunt, son, or daughter. The way this person is known by you and by others in their community with respect to gender forms their public identity. The more common transgender identity becomes, the more it comes to be seen as a normal variant of gender identity expression. A normalizing argument is just that: it presents diverse gender identities as within the scope of what
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